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3 Recommended Best Times to Exercise while Fasting

Exercise is an important activity that not only helps maintain physical health, but also strengthens mental and emotional health. However, while fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan, many feel apprehensive about exercising for fear of losing energy or dehydration. However, by planning your workout time during fasting, you can still get the benefits of exercise without disrupting your worship.

Tips for exercising while fasting

Exercising during the fasting month can be challenging, especially due to the lack of food and fluid intake for long hours. However, with a few tips, you can still stay active and maintain your health during the fasting month:

Choose the right time

Try doing light exercise such as walking or yoga in the morning or evening after breaking your fast. Avoid strenuous exercise such as weight lifting or long-distance running during the day when temperatures are higher and the risk of dehydration is higher.

Pay attention to fluid levels

If you're planning to exercise while fasting, pay attention to your fluid levels. Make sure you are adequately hydrated during iftar and suhoor. Drink enough water during non-fasting periods to prevent dehydration during exercise.

Choose light exercise

During the fasting month, focus on light exercise such as brisk walking, cycling, or yoga. Avoid exercise that is too intense or requires a lot of energy, especially if you feel weak or lack energy.

Pay attention to body signs

Pay attention to your body condition. If during exercise, you feel tired or weak, do not force yourself to continue exercising. Stop exercising immediately and rest.

Fulfill nutrition

Make sure to get adequate nutrition during suhoor and iftar. Choose balanced meals to energize and speed up recovery after training.

Get enough rest

In addition to exercise, make sure you get enough rest during the fasting month. Adequate rest is important for muscle recovery and maintaining overall health.

When is the best time to exercise while fasting?

There are several exercise times during fasting that you can use to keep your body fit. Here are 3 recommendations for the best time to exercise during fasting.

1. Before Iftar

One excellent time to exercise during the month of Ramadan is before Iftar, also known as "iftar". At this time, the body has refrained from food and drink all day, and energy is usually at a low level. However, by exercising before breaking your fast, you can channelize your remaining energy and boost your metabolism.

The right type of exercise to do before breaking the fast is light to moderate exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, or yoga. Avoid exercises that are too strenuous or excessively energy-draining, as this can lead to fatigue and dehydration.

2. After Tarawih Prayer

Tarawih prayer is a sunnah prayer performed after Isha' prayer during the month of Ramadan. After completing Tarawih prayers, the body has usually received fluid and energy intake from breaking the fast, so this is an ideal time to do more intensive exercise.

At this time, you can do more intense types of exercise such as running, cycling, or strength training. Make sure to keep in mind your body's limits and don't overdo it, especially if you're not used to exercising after fasting.

3. Before Sahur

Suhoor time is the time when Muslims wake up to eat sahur before starting their day-long fast. Although it may seem difficult to wake up early to exercise, doing exercise before suhoor can provide great benefits to your health.

Exercise before sahur can help boost your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently during fasting. The recommended type of exercise is light to moderate exercise such as walking or swimming. Avoid exercise that is too strenuous or drains excessive energy so as not to cause fatigue while fasting.

By choosing your workout time wisely, you can maintain your health and physical fitness during Ramadan without interrupting your fasting. Make sure to listen to your body and stop if you feel tired or uncomfortable during exercise. Hopefully, these recommendations of exercise times during fasting can help you achieve maximum benefits from exercise during the month of Ramadan. (Aq/LDS)